Tuesday, June 23, 2009


hey y'all!
this weekend hb & i went to charleston, south carolina. it was a good time, but i should have read the post allie put up regarding vacations before i went. unfortunately, i really indulged, and the workouts from the week did not burn enough to allow for that indulgence. i was super bummed to find that i had gained 2lbs. this week, it's gonna be salads for dinner because i feel like i'm getting into a groove with the exercise, and i really have to do my best to incorporate a healthy diet so that i can see results.
this week, i have been lazy about waking up, so i'm going to do 45 minute elliptical workouts as soon as i get home (well today at least, hopefully tomorrow i'll be an early riser and get it done before going to work)

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm... so now you owe us pictures from mexico AND south carolina..!! get on it young lady! ;-)
