Tuesday, June 9, 2009

positive thoughts

hey y'all!
so i know i owe y'all a lot of posts, but i have been lazy about uploading! i will get to it soon though!!
i completed day 2 of the shred! woohoo!! no more excuses indeed.
i'm trying to think positive, and i think the exercise is really helping!
y'all my mom is getting surgery on her eyes for cataracts. please pray for her today! or if you don't pray, then definitely think some positive thoughts for her!


  1. sending positive thoughts and vibes your mom's way and a virtual hug your way. :) hope all goes well...

  2. thinking good thoughts for your mom! my grandfather had cataract surgery aaages ago, like when i was 8 or something, and that went fine... and that was practically in the dark ages! so cataract surgery these days is probably 100x safer and easier and all that good stuff :-)
