Friday, February 27, 2009


hey y'all!
i've been slackin' on the blog posts this week. i had a lot going on with whether or not i would have a job next week, and that's been resolved. i took a mental health day on tuesday, and it helped me out a lot. i've been trying to think very positive thoughts the whole week, and last night that came to fruition - i will have a job at the same company i am a contractor at, and y'all i get a raise!!!
i think i'll have to bullet out my weekend/week :)

  • jl came in on saturday, and we had a great time eating at ok cafe! we also went to flip burger boutique for lunch on monday! y'all, i think those are two of my faves here in atlanta. we also played on the wii fit, and i need to make a bigger effort to play on that! jl leaves to go back to dc today, and even though we only saw him for a bit, it made me miss dc! good thing i'll see everyone in april for the race :)
  • we got to meet missy's family last weekend as well! now i know where she gets her sweet demeanor from. she's so incredibly nice, just like her family! and her nephew is such a little cutie!
  • i saw the curious case of benjamin button - i liked it a lot y'all, but i really don't think those accents are very authentic :)
  • i'm so annoyed hosea won top chef - seriously, he's so gross! and i don't like people that cheat on their significant others...i would have preferred stefan or carla as the winner, even though carla didn't seem to have a plan on what she wanted to do.
  • i slacked off so much on my training this week - i only ran on tuesday for my 2 mile run, and i forgot my watch, so i'm not sure what my time was. i was a mess this week!

i hope that catches y'all up! i keep forgetting to upload pictures!


  1. Congrats on your raise! That's great because times are bad right now! Sounds like your weekend was nice. I wish I had a flip burger around, sounds good! I have only been to Atlanta once, but the little time I was there I loved it! Have a great weekend SIL!-Ry

  2. I had so much fun hanging with you and Y. Thanks for being such good hosts! Now, get the helicopter hula-hooping, girl!
