Friday, February 20, 2009

on love and training

hey y'all! i found this little love quiz over at sundry, and i decided to give it a try!
update on the training - i ran 1.5 miles yesterday, and it felt great. the focus on breathing and form has helped me maintain a great heart rate (i think), and i finished in 24 minutes! i'm doing much better i think, and i'm feeling even more motivated for saturday's run. jl is coming on saturday, so hb & i will get our run out of the way before picking him up at the airport. hope you all have a happy weekend full of exercise :)
onto the quiz -

What are your middle names?
hb doesn't have a middle name, mine is cristina

How long have you been together?
it will be 4 years (dating) on april 27

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
a week?

Who asked whom out? hb asked me out. we got mixed up on who was supposed to call who (or is it whom?), and he ended up calling me and saying "are we going on a date, or what?" LOL

How old are each of you? hb is 35, i am 30

Whose siblings do you see the most? i don't think we see either the most, when we lived in dc, i would say his since his sis is up there

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? i don't think we have encountered that yet. i am thinking the hardest situation for us is that i'm a spender, and he's more of a saver, but i would like to think that i'm becoming more aware of my purchases, and trying to save a lot more, and he's trying to not overthink too many purchases that he NEEDS

Did you go to the same school? nope, i went to the best school ever - LSU, he went somewhere else? is there anyone else but LSU? ;)

Are you from the same home town? nope, i grew up in the great state of louisiana in gonzales, and hb grew up in maryland (rockville).

Who is smarter? hb would say me, and i would say hb. we both have our strong suits. he's better at math (quelle suprise!), and i'm better at writing, i think :)

Who is the most sensitive? me!!!!

Where do you eat out most as a couple? we have been trying to stay away from going out to eat, but our regular place is hudson grille...we have our own waiter and the manager knows us by name :)

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? tokyo, japan

Who has the craziest exes? neither one of us

Who has the worst temper? me!!!

Who does the cooking? hb does for the most part, i try every now and then :)

Who is the neat-freak? me! i'm ocd about cleaning. i would have to say cleaning is my hobby. i love it when the house is tidy! i've been slacking lately because of work, but when there is a guest, i clean like a champ!

Who is more stubborn? i don't think that we are stubborn at all :)

Who hogs the bed? ME!! it takes me a while to get situated in the bed. i don't do it on purpose, but i sometimes take the covers from hb.

Who wakes up earlier? ME!!!!

Where was your first date? hb took me to carlyle in shirlington...sooooooo tasty. he took me there again for our 3 yr anniversary. he originally wanted to take me to a japanese place, and i planned in advance with my roommate to ask him where he was gonna take me and then have her suggest carlyle. i'm sneaky like that.

Who is more jealous? me, but i would like to say i'm better about it.

How long did it take to get serious? i would say about 4 months in when hb told me he loved me

Who eats more? hb even though i LOOK like i'm the one that eats more :)

Who does the laundry? i do, but hb has helped me out a lot by taking clothes out or folding or putting it away

Who’s better with the computer? i would have to say hb, but i'm getting better.

Who drives when you are together? hb because i get too nervous driving. i got my dl when i was 27, and i have maybe driven a handful of times.


  1. Sounds like you and hb have has some good times :) How was Tokyo, japan? I would love to go there!

  2. someone needs some ginkgo biloba b/c we went to carlyle to celebrate our one-year anniversary, Sil!
