Tuesday, September 17, 2013

diaper rash remedies

hey y'all!
baby hb had a mean case of diaper rash last week, and i searched and asked any moms i knew what i could do to get rid of it.
the pediatrician and probably a lot on online sources will recommend saturating your baby wipes with water and then patting the bum area clean, drying the bum area and then applying a zinc oxide paste.  this worked well for us until last week when she had to be changed constantly. 
at daycare, they don't have the time to follow the steps above, so here's what we did that helped:
1. mylanta & corn starch: saturate a cotton ball with mylanta - make sure the bum area is completely covered in mylanta; this helps soothe the area.  next, cover the area with a nice coat of corn starch - what you would use for cooking.  baby hb could not even bear to be wiped down there until we used this. 
2. a & d diaper rash treatment: this continues to help baby hb.  the rash has cleared up and she's back at daycare.
one thing that we did and i recommend you do if you can is to keep your baby home and wash the area in the tub with soap and water everytime she would need a change.  we let her bum air dry and i believe it helped her so much!

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby hb! :(

    This is excellent for me, though, so that you can tell me everything I need to do when I get knocked up ;-)
