Wednesday, July 8, 2009

two weeks notice

hey y'all!
hope everyone is having a great week.
i am feeling a lot better, and i think my hives are slowly going away. it's been very frustrating to feel so itchy all the time, but oatmeal baths & cortisone cream have been helping a lot.
y'all, hb & i have been wanting to move back up to the dc area for a while now, and we had already decided we would do it, but yesterday i finally gave my two weeks notice!!
i'm happy to start a new chapter in our lives, and i'm looking forward to seeing all of my friends. i truly felt like i was missing out by not being around them!!
now, we are prepping for packing, and there is so much to be done!! i've made lists and a move plan, and we are definitely getting a lot done on that front, but i know it will be tough to get everything done without scrambling at the last moment :)
the good thing is that before driving back up we will stop to spend some time in ocean isle, nc with hb's dad's cousin's family. i can't wait to see them, and i will post some pics as soon as i can because i will be leaving for nassau after that!! i certainly wish that i was a lot thinner for those trips, but i'm taking it a day at a time and trying to not beat myself up too much. i do need to focus more on my exercise, and that will be a goal for the next two weeks!

Monday, July 6, 2009

the fourth of july

hey y'all!
i hope that your fourth was fun!
mine started out great, and ended with a relaxing day at home with a bit of drama in the middle.
hb & i went to the pool on friday morning, and it was glorious!! it is so much more fun to do some workouts in the pool than out of it! i tried some jillian cardio moves and felt like i got a great workout. we also prepped the house for guests and got everything we needed for our tailgate on saturday.
saturday i woke up to itchy skin...i had a rash all over my arms and legs!! hb & i think that it was the sunscreen i applied friday, but can't be sure since this is the sunscreen i use daily on my face under makeup. needless to say, my day did not start off as well as i wanted, but i took some benadryl hoping it would clear up. it still hasn't cleared up, and i'm itchy today! hb & i had tickets to the 311 concert, and even though i was debating not going and staying home, i decided to tough it out and go. the concert was pretty fun, but after was not pretty. a key was lost, so we had to wait on a pop a lock, then while waiting some friends decided to post tailgate, and hb had to drive them to their hotel, but they didn't know where it was, and i was following in another car. it was a big debacle, and with my skin feeling the way it was, i went from itchy to well...put a b in front of that and you will know how i was!! the fun thing was i drove my friend's mini cooper and fell in love! i would love to have one, but there is really not much room in it.
sunday was spent recovering from the drama, watching some tv (congrats to roger federer and tiger woods!), and just getting ready for a full week at the office.
i'm debating on going to the doc if this doesn't clear up soon! any home remedies i should try??